Disney Parking Lot Problems

Good Ideas Come From Anywhere

Though Disney is the most magical place on earth, their vacations take work. Saving. Planning. Coordination. Make a reservation at the hotel, the park, the restaurant. Packing the right clothes for your kids. Sunscreen too! Transportation.

There’s a lot going on.

Then the magic. Princesses. Castles. Rides. Shows. There’s a reason it’s one of the best brands and businesses in the world.

But when guests leave, they have a problem.

They forget where they parked.

Though the parking lot rows are labeled things like “Dumbo 12” or “Goofy 3”, every day about four hundred people forget where they parked their car.

Disney is known for its service and they don’t want guests to leave hot, tired, and frustrated at not finding the car in the massive parking lots.

Instead of a technological solution, Disney challenged the parking lot attendees to come up with something. They did not disappoint.

Disney staff write down the time each row fills up. Guests more often remember when they arrived rather than where they parked.

This simple solution turns frustration into delight.

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