Constraints = Opportunity

Just Get a Deal Done

Sam Parr has closed bigger deals than 99% of entrepreneurs.

Multiple times, Sam sold 7-figure sponsorships for his newsletter, The Hustle. Those sales led to the eventual 8-figure sale of his company to HubSpot in 2020.

Both deals require compelling communication, attention to detail, and patience to complete. Sam honed this talent over the preceding decade when he sold hot dogs, hosted events, and landed his first sponsor for $1,000. ”Worst case scenario,” Sam pitched them, “you lose $1,000.”

There wasn’t a process. He sold on the basis of charisma and minimal risk.

The sponsors weren’t disappointed and Sam got the newsletter off the ground with its first deal.

No matter what plateau you’re currently stuck on, just start selling.

If you’re still at zero sales, make that your singular focus for the next 7 days. Nothing else matters.

If you’re short of your revenue goal for 2022, spend the rest of December coming up with a rock solid game plan to kickstart your sales team in the new year.

The most daunting sale is the one right in front of you. Looking back, it will seem inevitable.

The Daily Entrepreneur newsletter delivers brief meditations on the principles & practices of the world's greatest business builders. This newsletter will always remain free and dedicated to helping you get a little better each day.