Pick Up the Phone

when in doubt, start dialing

Morning routines are plastered all over social media.

Wake up. Meditate. Jump in a cold plunge. Then a hot sauna. Then a normal temperature room. Write in your gratitude journal. Read your mission statement. Blah blah blah blah blah…

Here’s a much simpler one.

Every day, reach out to other people.

Hollywood superagent Ari Emmanuel makes ~300 short calls a day to check in with his massive Rolodex. It could be his clients like Dwayne Johnson and Charlize Theron, his partners in the UFC, or members of his team.

Ari’s relationships are strong and he is always on the pulse of what’s going on. Small issues don’t have time to grow into catastrophes at that cadence.

Ari exports persuasion and imports knowledge. Every Single Day.

Brad Lea, one of the greatest salesmen on the planet, has a similar routine. Whenever it’s time to sell, he’s got lots of ears to pitch to.

Make more calls and nurture those important relationships.


P.S. - the mistake is waiting ‘until the new year’ to start this habit. Start today.

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