Saving Time

reflections on the solstice

December 21st is the Winter Solstice 

North Americans will have about ten hours of light. Antarctica will have a full twenty-four-hour sun. 

But it’s the same total amount of time each day. 

Each day is 24 hours. Each week is 168. Each year is 8,760.

The hours of daylight are a function of nature. There’s no adjusting it. 

The hours of work, study, and rest are a function of ourselves. There are always tweaks. 

It’s crucial to take headings throughout a journey. Check the map and the directions. Check the course and the pace. Align the goals with the actions. 

Breaks allow us to check and make adjustments. We can’t change the hours of daylight but we can change the hours of work, laughter, and joy.

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