Showing Up Wins the Day

“I’ve accomplished almost nothing on the first, second, or third try,” wrote Jerry Weintraub, “the breakthrough usually comes late, after everyone has left the field.”

Showing up every day is what matters.



Pivot, if necessary.

It’s hard.

In the Last Dance documentary, the story of the final Chicago Bulls championship, Michael Jordan’s teammates talk about being part of that great run. It was hard. Jordan was hard. He was demanding and irritable. He was aggressive. He challenged teammates. “He could be difficult to be around,” said B.J. Armstrong, “if you didn’t love the game of basketball.”

Jordan was driven to win. He managed his life around winning.

Luckily that’s not us.

We don’t play that game. Ours isn’t zero-sum. It’s not to win at all costs. It’s not to neglect our family, friends, or faith. We don’t sacrifice to that level

But we do have to show up each day. We have to be mentally and physically prepared. We need teammates and we need to push them.

Success requires showing up every day.

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