The Secret to More with Less

More People Doing Less Work

You, my friend, are a “technician”. You cut hair, fix pipes, or make ice cream (or yogurt).

“The work” is the easy part of the job.

“The coaching,” said Bill Belichick, “isn’t easy but I’ve had a lot of experience with that.”

It’s the other stuff: supervision, leading, hiring, accounting, and managing. Not only that but how all those things work together.

Coach’s philosophy is less is more.

“As long as people feel busy and productive they feel good about what they’re doing,” Bill said, “When people have lag time and not enough to do that leads to getting distracted, complaining, or whatever.”

Fewer people doing more requires less supervision and coordination. That’s scary, but it’s how people improve. And according to Coach feel good about what they’re doing.

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