Oats Overnight

Product Iterations

It started out for fitness buffs getting buff. A high protein good macros pre or post-workout shake. 

But it never found a market. 

It pivoted to a speedy breakfast. A quick shake that with a little prep led to easier mornings and quicker exits from the house. 

But then, you know, Covid. 

It pivoted again to be a healthy breakfast. A mix of either fruits and cream or peanut butter and chocolate with a manageable twenty grams of protein and a healthy mix of whole grain oats. 

Brian Tate has made a few changes since starting the business in 2016. The first few years were just him in his kitchen. The next few years were for the working out crowd. Then busy commuters and families. Then the health crowd. 

Businesses are not linear. Entrepreneurs scratch their own itch but move to the market. 

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