Netflix Culture

Your Culture

During the early years, Netflix was famous for its culture. The Netflix Culture deck has been viewed over seventeen million times. It was deliberate.

“Wouldn’t it be great”, Reed Hastings asked Patty McCord, “to create the kind of company we wanted to work at?”

But what did that mean?

It meant hiring problem solvers and giving them the information they needed. Netflix’s customer acquisition costs, churn, and expenses were widely known and the staff was empowered to fix things.

It meant open communication. Reed Hastings created team-wide meetings where leaders debated each other - but with reversed roles.

It meant challenging assumptions. An engineer asked McCord why windowing was a thing. She didn’t have a good answer. Consequently, Netflix doesn’t window its releases.

Netflix’s culture is not your culture but some pieces might be.

How can you create a company you want to work at?

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