Copywriting Advice for Everyone

from Michael Crichton

Michael Crichton’s 2002 book Prey is about collective intelligence. Think ants making colonies, birds and fish in flocks and schools, and wildebeests in herds.

“Most people,” Crichton writes explaining swarms, “watching a flock of birds or a school of fish assumed there was a leader, and that all other animals followed the leader.” This is wrong. This is our projection.

Humans are hierarchical, we have leaders, but other animals do not. “Birds and fish responded to a few simple stimuli among themselves, and the result was coordinated behavior.”

Behaviors emerge within a system.

Most people see a business, and assume there is a plan, a design, and execution strategy. This is also wrong. This is our projection.

Humans see cause and effect but not necessarily the correct one. When Jesse Pujji’s started Unbloat he marketed it to Gen-Z girls before they went out. But the reviews mentioned ‘menobelly’. Unbloat was bought in bushels by pre-menopausal women.

Behaviors emerge within a system.

As entrepreneurs we think A LOT about serving customers. Sometimes it’s all we do.

But we must remember here are no rules for customer‘demand’. There is only their emergent behaviors.

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