The Locksmith Parable

When the Locksmith was young he had difficulty picking locks. Each new lock was a new problem: hard to reach, different mechanisms, harsh situations. He was unfamiliar with the tools and tried many different things.

But his anxious customers saw this. They noted the sweat on his brow, the tap that it took, and the effort he expended. They tipped him well.

As the Locksmith got older he got better. Locks yielded. New situations contained familiar pieces. He learned the tricks. Work was faster, smoother, and quicker.

Seeing the expert work so quickly customers tipped less. It was a simple, easy transaction.

How important is showing your sweat?

When employees work all day on a project is that good?

When customers see a hurried staff running around is that good?

When you, the boss, have a to-do list a hundred items long is that good?

There’s no simple answer.

There’s only the lesson that only sometimes is a lot of work a lot of progress.

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