It’s Going to Get Harder to Jump

When is the best time to start your business? When will you know you’re ready to ‘take the leap’?

It’s kind of like having kids. You’re never ready. And waiting until you have everything prepared actually causes more problems than going early.

Entrepreneurship has an added challenge. As your personal responsibilities mount, so too does your earning potential in a conventional job.

Joe Cardosi had risen to stability, significance, and high compensation in the world of rare pharmaceuticals. He was a ‘made’ man.

But, he could not overlook the inefficiencies that he saw in the rare pharmaceutical marketplace. Why was no one fixing it?

Duty called, and he lept at the opportunity. Today, Free Market Health has over 50 employees and has helped thousands of patients access life changing medicine.

Did I mention he and his wife also have 4 young children?

Hope they get some sleep.

And we hope you take a leap.

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