The Daily Entrepreneur First Edition

let's get a little better every day

Nothing is ever completely original. Creative work builds on the projects that precede it.

Today, we launch the Daily Entrepreneur and pay homage to the two newsletters that have most inspired its founding.

We’re emulating both Ryan Holiday’s daily messages via the Daily Stoic and the Daily Dad. Holiday is a prolific author with multiple NYT and WSJ bestsellers and a thoughtful, intentional entrepreneur.

After popularizing an ancient Greek philosophy in his book, The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan launched his daily email to further expand the popularity of Stoicism. His readers incorporate timeless principles into their morning routine instead of wasting their precious attention on fleeting news headlines.

As that newsletter grew to over 300,000 subscribers, Ryan became a father and he launched the Daily Dad on the same idea. The stakes of parenting are high, and the newsletter reminds us what really matters every day.

We will do the same for everyone running a business.

It can feel lonely, confusing, and like the odds are stacked against you. The most powerful tool to combat these challenges is focus. Focus on the few metrics that matter, the patterns of how entrepreneurs have found success in the past, and the people who support you.

Thank you for reading. We will see you tomorrow morning.