Should You Carry This?

Crichton’s work

Michael Crichton is the only person with a year’s top-selling book, the most popular television show, and the best-attended movie.

Through Disclosure, E.R., and Jurassic Park he did all that.

The work started years before.

Crichton was a physician. He worked long shifts at the hospital and had little time to write. Instead, he carried around index cards. When he had an idea for the book he was dreaming up he wrote it down. Dialogue. Plot. Characters.

After a shift, the cards joined the others in a shoe box.

Once he had enough, Crichton organized the cards on his dining room table. They sat as he worked, stewed, and thought things through.

Art is a business, and like your business, the outcomes are the result of the actions.

Chefs call the preparation, mise en place. Crichton used cards to organize his thoughts.

What little actions set your business up for success? Are you doing them today?

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