Your Business’ Foundation of Sand

How To Trust Your Team

Decentralize. Empower your team. Delegate!

Business buzzwords are imbued with hope of a more successful, less stressful future.

The benefits make any executive salivate. Control costs. Align incentives. Make your firm Antifragile.

Unfortunately, these concepts are far harder to put into practice.

How are decisions made when you’re not around? How can you place trust in others?

The answer is Values & Heuristics.

Are your company’s values a sign on the wall, or are they embedded into hiring, performance reviews, and the day-to-day culture?

Have you trained your team on the decision-making heuristics that you use to guide strategy? Have you written them out for yourself?

If the answer to these questions is no, then delegation means disaster. High-quality decisions separate top firms from ordinary ones.

Make your decision-making principles explicit and your team will go further together.

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